Universal Outlook Setup for Windows

This guide takes you through the process of setting up an email account in any version of Outlook on a Windows device.

♦ Replace my-domain.co.za with your domain name

Auto Account Outlook Setup

The auto account setup is for IMAP. If you prefer to use POP, you will need to set up the account manually.

  1. Ensure Outlook is closed.
  2. Click on the Start button and then start typing “Control Panel”.


  1. Open the Control Panel.
  2. Select the search bar in the top right corner and search for “mail”.

Step 3

  1. Select the result Mail (Microsoft Outlook). The result could also appear as follows: Mail (Microsoft Outlook 32-bit/Microsoft Outlook 64-bit/Microsoft Outlook 2013) – select the result that is appropriate for your device.

Mail (Microsoft Outlook)

  1. Select Email accounts…

Right one 2

  1. Click New.

Account settings 1

  1. Enter Auto Account Setup details and click Next.

Email info

  1. A new window will appear, click Allow.

Allow this website

  1. Outlook will now automatically configure your account as an IMAP account with all of the correct settings.
  2. Click Finish and then Close. That’s it!

If this option fails, try the Manual Account Setup below.

If you prefer to use POP, you will need to set up the account manually.

  1. Follow steps 1-7 above.
  2. On the Add Account screen, select Manual setup or additional server types. > Next

Manual setup

  1. Choose POP or IMAP under your Account Type.

Pop or Imap

  1. Enter all the relevant details:
  • Account type: POP or IMAP (choose IMAP if you want to access your mail on more than one device e.g. laptop and cell phone)
  • Incoming mail server: mail. followed by your domain name e.g. mail.my-domain.co.za
  • Outgoing mail server (SMTP): smtp. followed by your domain name e.g. smtp.my-domain.co.za
  • User Name:  ensure you fill in your entire email address as the username
  • For new hosting accounts, use the server Hostname instead of the Incoming & Outgoing mail servers
  • Select the More Settings button

Choose your account type

  1. Select the Outgoing Server tab and ensure that the My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication check box is selected, as well as Use same settings as my incoming mail server.

Outgoing server

  1. Select the Advanced tab.
  2. Check these settings:

POP Settings

  • The Incoming server port for POP is 995
  • Check the box: This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL/TLS)
  • The Outgoing server (SMTP) port is set to 465
  • Use the following type of encrypted connection is SSL

Advanced settings

IMAP Settings

  • The Incoming server port for IMAP is 993
  • Use the following type of encrypted connection is SSL
  • The Outgoing server (SMTP) port is set to 465
  • Use the following type of encrypted connection is SSL
  • The Root folder path must be INBOX

Advanced settings Imap

  1. Select OK, then Next and Finish.
  2. Your Outlook mail program should now be set up to send and receive mail.